HCWDB Youth and Young Adult Services Transitions for PY2017
Formally known as Get REAL Youth Services, the federally funded services for youth under WIOA, has been re-branded as “NCWorks NextGen”. NCWorks NextGen staff are located at the region’s seven NCWorks Career Centers to assist youth and young adults ages 16-24.
NCWorks NextGen services partners with local organizations such as regional educational partners and community and civic agencies to provide needed services to the next generation of talent that will assist them with reaching their education and employment goals. Services such as career guidance and counseling, credential attainment, and paid work based learning opportunities are key services provided to eligible young adults.
NCWorks NextGen services is now a statewide brand and will carry the same name across North Carolina. For more information regarding NextGen services in the High Country region, contact Misty Bishop-Price or a local NCWorks Career Center.
Tags: High Country News