The 2013 High Country Workforce Databook Is Available

The High Country Workforce Development Board is pleased to announce the release of its 2013 High Country Workforce Databook.

The HCWDB Databook is designed as a resource to find current information about the workforce in the High Country. It was assembled with the technical expertise of the North Carolina Labor & Economic Analysis Division (LEAD) and the staff of the High Country Workforce Development Board.

Inside the Databook you will find information about the changing demographics in the region, the education system and attainment levels, commuting patterns, shifting industries, and occupations.

“Although we hope this information provides valuable insight into the history and trends in our region, we also recognize the each piece of information can illicit additional questions and require more detailed analysis,” said Adrian Tait, director of the High Country Workforce Development Board.

Click here to view the Databook online.
